10 Realistic Interviewing Tips to Give You an Edge on the Competition

Two men sitting at a table with one man writing on the paper.

You know the drill: show up 10 minutes ahead of your appointment, offer a nice firm handshake, make eye contact, and smile… This guide assumes that you’re familiar with the basics of interviewing, so we intend to suggest some “guerilla tactics†for improving your interview technique, learned on the front line of recruiting. Know Yourself This…

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Questions to Ask Your Interviewer

A person writing on paper in front of another person.

At the end of the interview always comes that dreaded moment when the interviewer asks, “Any questions?†Not asking questions can be taken as a sign that you are not interested or knowledgeable enough to ask questions. If you really can’t think of anything to ask, then get out of the danger zone by saying with…

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Interviews Do’s and Don’ts

A board room with a big meeting table.

DO • Be friendly to absolutely everybody (this applies to life in general too).• Make eye contact frequently.• Be professional: act like somebody you would want to employ.• Be enthusiastic. The best way is to learn about the company or industry and develop an appreciation for it. If you can’t, question why you are applying.•…

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10 Questions You Need to Know How to Answer

A blue sky with some clouds in the background

1. Tell me about your strengths. Think about this now. Write down what you do best. Become conscious of what you like to do. Don’t downplay your positive attributes. The interviewer will only hear about the good things you do if you tell them. If you keep it to yourself you’re only doing yourself harm.…

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